
Style it!

Style it! With a personal stylist or a personal shopper.

Style your purchases with a personal shopper! not only will take you to the shop of your desire, but the one who will advice on the best colors for your skin, who will tell you the best cuts and shapes that fit best your body. The PS will give you impartial and objective advice on what you want to buy.

The personal shopper can also make purchases on your account if you don’t have the time to do the shopping yourself. This is the right choice if you are short of time or don’t have clear ideas on what to buy for yourself or as a gift. You can choose an expert who will do it for you! Your shopper assistant will do the search and purchase the most convenient gift or outfit for you considering and keeping your own personal characteristics. Then deliver it wherever you need it!

Style your look with a Personal Stylist! the one that manages the art of putting together the right outfit for the right occasion!

A stylist, when putting together a look, considers a lot of different factors, such as skin color, body type. Will tell you what works better, considering this factors, and using all possibilities in clothing. We’ll show you how to properly accessorize. Specially for the important occasions where you’re in doubt on what to wear!

We know how to bring out the best in the people we dress! We make more than just the cover. We start from inside, and finish with a style touch on the outside.

Personal shopping tours: we can arrange a shopping tour around the heart of the fashion mecca. All exclusive and personalized according to what you’re looking for! And the time you have!

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